Full Commission Program: You will receive fully adjustable commission schedule based on your needs or what you wish to accomplish. This can also work well used hand in hand with your current Trust program if you use one. It is very flexible according to your needs.
Continued Full Counselor Support and Training System: We have managed operations and hired and trained counselors previously. We are familiar with the logistics of the area and could seamlessly step in to offer full support and coordination with your current system. This service is free to you.
Homesteaders Products: We would use Homesteaders products that are second to none in the industry. They offer excellent commissions that are flexible for your use with counselors, products that are affordable to your clients, and support for growth in crediting, casket lock and yearly partner point dollars that protect you from losses. Add to that a 100 year old Mutual company and and an excellent rating in the industry with invaluable customer support and you have the best out there. Again with the highest commissions available to you through their program.
Full Contact Management Mailing System: This mailing system is also second to none in the nation. It provides continual mailing to primary and secondary arrangers within your system. It also provides continual market share growth through a variety of other mailers that go out on a regular basis. (See the attached sheet). With some simple data gathering processes that we will provide, you can have a continual mailing system that will support your mortuary status, retain market share, provide leads to counselors and it is completely free to you.
Full Direct Mass Mailing support: We will provide to you all the leg work on a full mass direct mail campaign. There a many different mailers that can be used on a rotating basis and you will receive extremely competitive cost options for each of these mailer types. An example of the popular survey type mailer in your mortuary name is 43 cents per unit sent. Other than the actual cost of the mailer, again this service is free to you.
Aurora Casket Lock: Using the Homesteaders products allows you to access the Aurora Casket Lock program. This program allows you to lock in the current wholesale cost plus any discounts you receive on funeral plans written so that in the future no matter what the cost of the casket, when you service the funeral plan, your mortuary will receive the locked wholesale price less discounts at the time the pre-need was written. This alone will save many thousands of dollars to you in the future.
Full Accounting and Reserve account options: We offer a full accounting program for payment directly to you of commissions or a combined payment to you and your counselors. We also can protect you through a reserve account system to avoid problems with chargebacks. This also is free to you.
Travel Assistance Program: We offer a full travel assistance program for your consumers who find themselves traveling or are concerned about a death occurring outside your servicing area. This program also pays you a commission and is affordable to your clients. It is free to you.
In Short, we don’t simply offer you a nice commission program with some mailers or newsletters. We offer one of the best overall programs in the industry partnering with entities that will support your efforts fully, often without cost to you while still providing a full commission and support but without many of the headaches that come with it. We can do this by simply keeping you independent but combining your overall sales with that of many other mortuaries as a group to make all these services available to your organization.
I know that you like many others have concerns and worries about how to proceed and especially the shortfalls you are experiencing. This program can put dollars directly in your pocket to help with these issues while allowing you to serve your families with the type of service they have become accustomed to. You can keep doing what you do best and allow us to help with the rest of the program being assured that it will function well and not require continual administration on your part.
We would like the opportunity to work with you and answer any questions that you have.